Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Bolster


The Hebrew word kebir, rendered pillow" in 1 Sam. 19:13, 16," "but in Revised Version marg. "quilt" or "network," probably" means some counterpane or veil intended to protect the head of the sleeper. A different Hebrew word (meraashoth') is used for "bolster (1 Sam. 26:7, 11, 16). It is rightly rendered in" "Revised Version "at his head." In Gen. 28:11, 18 the Authorized" "Version renders it "for his pillows," and the Revised Version" "under his head. In Ezek. 13:18, 20 another Hebrew word" "(kesathoth) is used, properly denoting "cushions" or "pillows," as so rendered both in the Authorized and the Revised Version.

The Old Testament

The New Testament