Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Dalmanutha


A place on the west of the Sea of Galilee, mentioned only in Mark 8:10. In the parallel passage it is said that Christ came "into the borders of Magdala (Matt. 15:39). It is plain, then," "that Dalmanutha was near Magdala, which was probably the Greek" "name of one of the many Migdols (i.e., watch-towers) on the" western side of the lake of Gennesaret. It has been identified "in the ruins of a village about a mile from Magdala, in the" "little open valley of `Ain-el-Barideh, "the cold fountain," "called el-Mejdel, possibly the "Migdal-el" of Josh. 19:38."

The Old Testament

The New Testament