Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Hoshea


Salvation. (1.) The original name of the son of Nun, afterwards "called Joshua (Num. 13:8, 16; Deut. 32:44)." "(2.) 1 Chr. 27:20. The ruler of Ephraim in David's time. "(3.) The last king of Israel. He conspired against and slew his "predecessor, Pekah (Isa. 7:16), but did not ascend the throne" till after an interregnum of warfare of eight years (2 Kings "17:1, 2). Soon after this he submitted to Shalmaneser, the" "Assyrian king, who a second time invaded the land to punish" "Hoshea, because of his withholding tribute which he had promised" "to pay. A second revolt brought back the Assyrian king Sargon," "who besieged Samaria, and carried the ten tribes away beyond the" "Euphrates, B.C. 720 (2 Kings 17:5, 6; 18:9-12). No more is heard" "of Hoshea. He disappeared like "foam upon the water" (Hos. 10:7;" 13:11).

The Old Testament

The New Testament