Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Queen


No explicit mention of queens is made till we read of the queen" "of Sheba." The wives of the kings of Israel are not so" "designated. In Ps. 45:9, the Hebrew for "queen" is not malkah," "one actually ruling like the Queen of Sheba, but shegal, which" "simply means the king's wife. In 1 Kings 11:19, Pharaoh's wife" "is called "the queen," but the Hebrew word so rendered (g'birah)" "is simply a title of honour, denoting a royal lady, used" "sometimes for "queen-mother" (1 Kings 15:13; 2 Chron. 15:16). In" "Cant. 6:8, 9, the king's wives are styled "queens" (Heb." melakhoth). "In the New Testament we read of the "queen of the south", i.e., "Southern Arabia, Sheba (Matt. 12:42; Luke 11:31) and the "queen" "of the Ethiopians" (Acts 8:27), Candace."

The Old Testament

The New Testament