Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Wise, wisdom

Wise, wisdom

A moral rather than an intellectual quality. To be foolish" is" to be godless (Ps. 14:1; comp. Judg. 19:23; 2 Sam. 13:13). True wisdom is a gift from God to those who ask it (Job 28:12-28; Prov. 3:13-18; Rom. 1:22; 16:27; 1 Cor. 1:17-21; 2:6-8; James "1:5). "Wisdom" in Prov. 1:20; 8:1; 9:1-5 may be regarded not as" "a mere personification of the attribute of wisdom, but as a" "divine person, "Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God" (1 Cor. 1:24). In Matt. 11:19 it is the personified principle of wisdom that is meant.

The Old Testament

The New Testament