Bible Dictionary
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N) (O) (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T) (U) (V) (W) (X) (Y) (Z)

The Definition of the word Cord


Frequently used in its proper sense, for fastening a tent (Ex. "35:18; 39:40), yoking animals to a cart (Isa. 5:18), binding" "prisoners (Judg. 15:13; Ps. 2:3; 129:4), and measuring ground (2" "Sam. 8;2; Ps. 78:55). Figuratively, death is spoken of as the" "giving way of the tent-cord (Job 4:21. "Is not their tent-cord" "plucked up?" R.V.). To gird one's self with a cord was a token" of sorrow and humiliation. To stretch a line over a city meant "to level it with the ground (Lam. 2:8). The "cords of sin" are" "the consequences or fruits of sin (Prov. 5:22). A "threefold" "cord" is a symbol of union (Eccl. 4:12). The "cords of a man" "(Hos. 11:4) means that men employ, in inducing each other," "methods such as are suitable to men, and not "cords" such as" "oxen are led by. Isaiah (5:18) says, "Woe unto them that draw" "iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart" "rope." This verse is thus given in the Chaldee paraphrase: "Woe" "to those who begin to sin by little and little, drawing sin by" cords of vanity: these sins grow and increase till they are "strong and are like a cart rope." This may be the true meaning." The wicked at first draw sin with a slender cord; but by-and-by "their sins increase, and they are drawn after them by a cart" "rope. Henderson in his commentary says: "The meaning is that the" persons described were not satisfied with ordinary modes of "provoking the Deity, and the consequent ordinary approach of his" "vengeance, but, as it were, yoked themselves in the harness of" "iniquity, and, putting forth all their strength, drew down upon" "themselves, with accelerated speed, the load of punishment which" "their sins deserved."

The Old Testament

The New Testament