Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Ephraim, Mount

Ephraim, Mount

The central mountainous district of Palestine occupied by the "tribe of Ephraim (Josh. 17:15; 19:50; 20:7), extending from" Bethel to the plain of Jezreel. In Joshua's time (Josh. 17:18) these hills were densely wooded. They were intersected by "well-watered, fertile valleys, referred to in Jer. 50:19. Joshua" "was buried at Timnath-heres among the mountains of Ephraim, on" the north side of the hill of Gaash (Judg. 2:9). This region is "also called the "mountains of Israel" (Josh. 11:21) and the" "mountains of Samaria (Jer. 31:5, 6: Amos 3:9)."

The Old Testament

The New Testament