Bible Dictionary
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N) (O) (P) (Q) (R) (S) (T) (U) (V) (W) (X) (Y) (Z)

The Definition of the word Grasshopper


Belongs to the class of neuropterous insects called Gryllidae. This insect is not unknown in Palestine. "In Judg. 6:5; 7:12; Job 39:30; Jer. 46:23, where the Authorized "Version has "grasshopper," the Revised Version more correctly" "renders the Hebrew word (`arbeh) by "locust." This is the case" "also in Amos 7:1; Nah. 3:17, where the Hebrew word gob is used;" "and in Lev. 11:22; Num. 13:33; Eccl. 12:5; Isa. 40:22, where" hagab is used. In all these instances the proper rendering is "probably "locust" (q.v.)."

The Old Testament

The New Testament