Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Judgment hall

Judgment hall

Gr. praitorion (John 18:28, 33; 19:9; Matt. 27:27), common" "hall." In all these passages the Revised Version renders" "palace. In Mark 15:16 the word is rendered "Praetorium" "(q.v.), which is a Latin word, meaning literally the residence" "of the praetor, and then the governor's residence in general," though not a praetor. Throughout the Gospels the word praitorion has this meaning (comp. Acts 23:35). Pilate's official residence when he was in Jerusalem was probably a part of the fortress of Antonia. "The trial of our Lord was carried on in a room or office of the "palace. The "whole band" spoken of by Mark were gathered" together in the palace court.

The Old Testament

The New Testament