Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Simeon, The tribe of

Simeon, The tribe of

Was divided and scattered" according to the prediction in Gen." "49:5-7. They gradually dwindled in number, and sank into a" position of insignificance among the other tribes. They decreased in the wilderness by about two-thirds (comp. Num. 1:23; 26:14). Moses pronounces no blessing on this tribe. It is passed by in silence (Deut. 33). "This tribe received as their portion a part of the territory already allotted to Judah (Josh. 19:1-9). It lay in the "south-west of the land, with Judah on the east and Dan on the" north; but whether it was a compact territory or not cannot be determined. The subsequent notices of this tribe are but few (1 "Chr. 4:24-43). Like Reuben on the east of Jordan, this tribe had" little influence on the history of Israel.

The Old Testament

The New Testament